Day 10

And then she wailed. The birds, who had previously been singing their eve song, closed their beaks. Even they knew this was no longer the time. The air stilled and a respectful, unsure tension overcame the earth. A wail that was so powerful it stilled every nation could surely only come from an unbearable, unspeakableContinueContinue reading “Day 10”


The vicar of ‘my church’ has gone onto Vimeo to provide worship to the community during these times of uncertainty. This is what I needed. My faith is one that is not often very strong, however, the happy memories I have of church and worship brings a comforting warmth. What else could possibly beContinueContinue reading “Worship”


This is worth seeing – such an amazing journey and it still stays with me, on my mind frequently. Katherine Brooks, ladies and gentlemen.

Today I Was A Soldier

I have returned ‘home’ – to my mother’s house. To start this time off well, to hit the ground running – I set off to Church this morning. I thought a calming and comforting environment would be nice, maybe one or two familiar faces that I would not be opposed to seeing. I found myself surroundedContinueContinue reading “Today I Was A Soldier”


It is 8am, I am so tired. The neighbours have kept me awake until the early hours and they pay no consideration to me having made plans. It is 9am, I need to get ready. The weather here has been cold and dreary and I have no idea what to wear, only that it needsContinueContinue reading “Sunday”

Divine Intervention

It was not planned, it was not something I had thought I was going to do today. Sitting by the grave, looking at their names carved into the headstone, I talk… “I need some sort of divine intervention. I don’t know what to do. Do I move to the City and work to improve myContinueContinue reading “Divine Intervention”

Inspiration is Everywhere

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) As always – credit where credit is due. None of these images belong to me. Be respectful of other’s art and reference them. xoxo.